Thursday, May 12, 2011

Book Clocks

A little over a year and a half ago, I was looking for a creative gift to give my best friend for her birthday.  I stumbled across this idea on-line and instantly fell in love with it.  The directions told me to drill a hole through the book itself to insert the clock.  I, being the nerd that I am, could not bring myself to do this.  Instead, I went to my dad's garage, found some plywood, and cut it down to look like a book.  I painted the edges to complete the look.  Since then, I have made two more book clocks.  I love these!!! They are quick, easy, and fun!!!

This last one was the original I saw on-line and by far my favorite! I've been on the look for more books that will work, but it is difficult.  Especially living in a small town without a used book store (that I know of), I have a hard time finding good books and keeping it affordable!!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

A #2 Pencil and a Dream Can Take You Anywhere-Joyce A. Meyers

I begin my blogging journey anew after a brief interlude in which I re-examined my previous thought process.  Alas, the beginning of this new approach is unfortunately hindered by the fact I am sitting in a class that is about to end proctoring a test...hmm..perhaps not the best time to start. 

The quote that is the title for this posting and my blog is my new mantra to live by.  This week has been a bizarre one, to say the least. (Ex: I am just beginning to heal from the worst sunburn of my life.  One so bad, it literally stopped students in their tracks when they saw my swollen forehead.  Ex: While about to sit down before giving said test, a bird flew into the window directly behind me.  This was followed within seconds by a hawk swooping down and taking off with the first bird.  Try giving a test after the class watched that.)
So I am hoping that by repeating to myself that it is the simple things in life that matter and that will get me through the day, I will believe it and hold true.  While my life is so up in the air, I have to remind myself of what I can control and never forget the simple things in life.